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Essensor opens 3rd Research Center in the Rotterdam region

This step reïnforces our position as the market leader and authority within Sensory Market Research in the Netherlands and we can continue to fulfill our growth ambition. The exact location will be the FIA in Vlaardingen.

Sensory market research becomes a new pillar in the portfolio of training and research routes offered by the FIA. On Monday, April 12, we signed a cooperation agreement with the FIA ​​and by the end of the summer we will open a third research location in a new practical training building around food in Vlaardingen. “We want to grow in the Netherlands and with this third location in South Holland, in the FIA, we add the necessary research capacity,” explains Jan-Willem Steunenberg, Client Director of Essensor. “The choice to set up a research center in Vlaardingen is a conscious one, says Steunenberg. “We end up in an active and attractive food environment. A place where interesting encounters with existing and new business relations will take place, but also a place to gain and share knowledge in collaboration with the food companies and education partners of the FIA. Essensor’s ambition is to put sensors more emphatically on the map within the FIA. “Together with the education partners, we want to structurally draw more attention to this interesting and important field. The importance of sensory research is sometimes underestimated, while a well-developed and sensory-tested product can be very convincing towards the consumer. Since ‘taste’ is an important factor in repeat purchases, careful, sensory testing at an early stage is therefore of great importance. “The FIA ​​is particularly pleased with the arrival of Essensor.” With this we complement a number of links in the food chain. “, Says FIA director Alfred Bruin,” Sensory research is crucial for many social issues. How do we, as a food sector, make the link between health and nutrition? How do we make space for the responsible enjoyment of food? How can we adjust ingrained dietary patterns to These are all questions in which taste and experience are very important to achieve results.As partners of the FIA, we are very proud of the fact that we now also have the expertise of sensory research ‘in-house’ and therefore taste and experience to be able to link professionally and independently to the objectives of our partnership: vocational training, conducting research naa r new products and image improvement “says Alfred Bruin. Our training partners Lentiz, Albeda, Inholland and the universities of Leiden, Delft and Erasmus are also very enthusiastic about this, as students will come into contact with these important aspects of nutrition during their training. The arrival of Essensor is also good news for the Vlaardingen region, Bruin knows. “Together we will build a large network of several thousand consumers who will be involved in consumer panels in sensory research. Essensor is looking forward to getting started; “The cooperation with education is not new to us and we wholeheartedly embrace it. In addition, we bring a broad network to the FIA; parties that could eventually also land in the region”, says Jan Willem Steunenberg.

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